It’s inevitable that whenever a major event happens in your life, good or bad, the impact leaves a lasting imprint somewhere in the back of your mind. It actually may change you forever. Your view on life will be different.
Tinnitus has done that to me. Apart from the physical challenges, tinnitus changes you on a mental level as well. I am sure you all agree with me. It’s not easy. It’s like a storm going on in your mind. But what if just for a moment, we look at it differently.
Remember, storms don’t last forever, sooner or later the sun has to come out.
Looking at the positive side
What if I tell you that having tinnitus brought about some positive changes in my life? Urrgh!! You probably wondering.What the hell is he talking about?
Bear with me and hear me out. Every significant event brings about a life changing attitude to us humans,right?
Your first kiss, your wedding day, the day you bought your first car….think of anything positive that happened to you… and changed you somehow… it.. can you see the change from what you were before the incident.Even if it’s small,the point is there is a change.
I have observed how my life has changed over the past three years as a result of tinnitus.My perception towards certain things have changed as result.
I am going to focus on the positive things here. Look, I am not going to be ignorant of the negative consequences of tinnitus.We all know it’s there and it will stay there. But, today I want to talk about positivity for one reason and one reason only: Hope.
To give you all hope. Hope that we can and will win this fight. No matter how long, or how hard or even how tired we get.We will all shine our light, even if it is a spark , it’s hope.
Are you ready?
Giving Ego the Boot
Before tinnitus started affecting me,I had a bigger than average Ego.I used to be self-centered, things needed to be about me,around me and for me.
I used to have parties at my place like there was no tomorrow.I did not worry too much about my health.I thought that I am still young, and that nothing will ever happen to me.
Tinnitus 101
Tinnitus taught me a lesson, in life. One that I am still learning.
The lesson I learnt is that ,I should never underestimate the way life works.
You think you are in control, but ‘wakey wakey’, you’re NOT, not even by a longshot.So I had to deal with it.
Deal with the fact that anything can happen to you and your health in a split-second and there is no escape.More importantly, you cannot control as to when it’s going to happen and for how long it will last.
I could not accept it and fought with it both tooth and nail, till I went blue in the face. Eventually after exchanging some very colorful words with HIM,I gave in
And what you do know?, the solution slapped me in the face.
“You Have got to start Respecting your body.”
“You Have got to start to Take Care of your body.”
Its time to stop looking everywhere for Attention and Respect.Everything you need is within you.Its time to start to get know yourself.
And so, my journey began…..
Watched less TV
I, like so many of you out there love my movies and TV.Before I had my tinnitus, I used to watch full seasons of popular shows, back to back in one week.
For the past ten months that went by, I can tell you with full confidence that I did not complete watching a single season of any series.I may have watched maximum of one or three episodes, but that’s it.
I don’t completely abstain from watching though. Besides, when I do watch I strain and struggle to hear, that if you had to see my facial expression, it would look like I swallowed 10 lemons.With full honesty, it has now come to a point where I don’t miss it.
I have found other things to do in this time.Things that I feel helped me to cope better with the tinnitus changes.
These included things like
Coloring– I put my radio on and have some lovely instrumental music playing on.Get my pencil colors out and I am off into the world of coloring mandalas.I am so addicted to this, it’s not funny.You should try it, it’s meditative, relaxing and calming.
It has all the good stuff to lessen tinnitus.
⇒If you want to learn more about coloring, don’t feel shy, visit my article , “Is coloring good for your tinnitus,’ and Learn More”⇐
Reading– This is the first time in ages that I finally completed reading a novel, from cover to cover. Man, did it feel good.But who knew that this reading would take me to a whole new world…….
The world of Helping others with Tinnitus
I felt an urgent calling to write a book about tinnitus.I had no clue how I would go about doing it.All I know is that a lot of people are suffering from it.Together with my pharmaceutical knowledge and own personal experience with tinnitus, I knew in my heart it is the right thing.
I just needed a way.
So how did reading help me find this way?
The most fantastic thing that came about from reading, is the birth of this website.I was sitting and browsing the Internet,when by accident I came across a website that teaches you about building ‘ your own website’
A website instead of a book…interesting,very interesting.
You’ve got to be kidding me.That would be awesome, so I said to myself,why not, let’s give it a go.I was up to the challenge of building a website around tinnitus and dived all in.I never looked back.
So that is the story of how a different path of my life started as a result of tinnitus.
All made possible just by reading.Who says reading is not powerful??
⇒Click on this link, if you would like to learn about building your own website.⇐
Feeling Grateful
One of the other things that came about from my experience was the feeling of gratitude. Though I envied almost everyone who would just engage with such ease talking and listening to each other, I saw a lot of other people struggling along and it opened my eyes.
I starting seeing people less fortunate than I.People who struggle to put food on the table for their family.Elderly people strolling along with walking sticks unaccompanied with a deep sadness in their eyes.People fighting strange diseases whereby doctors aren’t even sure of the cure, or let alone its treatment.
And here I am,fortunate to have two jobs. One as a pharmacist and the second is this website. I have God to thank for my wonderful wife and certain family members who have supported me in this tinnitus battle, so I was never alone. Yes tinnitus is not a disease,but a symptom. Nonetheless, we still have ways of dealing with it.
So now I ask you, have you got something to be positive about?
My message from this article is simple.Our fight with tinnitus can and will be won. A huge part of the success is to shift our focus onto positive areas in our life.Things that makes us feel alive and excited.
In this way, we give less power to the big ‘T’ and make it a small ‘t’
What makes it easy is knowing that you are not alone and that support is there in dealing with tinnitus changes.A lot of people take the full weight on their shoulders making it harder than it should be.
I strongly believe that we all were suppose to help one another.That’s the purpose of this website. To help one another and learn more about tinnitus.
For now,you must know,there is a way.And we are on the right path….
There are many more positive aspects that can come about from tinnitus. The point here is to show you that is not all doom and gloom. Perhaps, you have experienced something positive as a result.
Please share your feelings below and lets get chatting. Thank you for choosing to spend time on my site. I greatly value and appreciate it.
Kind Regards
Hi Roopesh, like you I suffer from tinnitus and it has been a challenging battle getting to grips with it. I have now learnt to live with it and make people around me understand more about it. Thanks for your article, it reminds me that there’s other people out there that have to cope with it and are able to live normal lives.
How long have been living with tinnitus?
Hi Jay
It is fantastic to hear that you are able to cope with your tinnitus and make people understand about the condition. This makes it so much easier and certainly makes it less stressful knowing that people are understanding and forthcoming.
I have had my tinnitus for almost three years now.
Take Care
Hey There
Excellent information thank you for providing us with such informative info. I particularly like the way you right your personality shines through your content and makes it easy to understand, even for me.
I have a friend with tinnitus he worked on the oil riggs with lots of loud noises is it possible that noise alone if exposed for a long time can cause this issue ?
Thank you for this article I have a cousin I know will find this post very interesting as she was looking for similar information just the other day, I will share this with her now.
Thank you
Hi Jack
Glad that you liked the article. I think speaking about tinnitus is something that I can do with ease. It’s not one of the exciting topics to talk about, but it is something that is affecting a lot of people. I am grateful to be able to share this information with the world and help wherever I can.
Regarding your friend’s situation at the oil rigs, most definitely tinnitus can come about through long term exposure to loud noises.
I thank you for sharing this article with your cousin and glad that I could be of service.
Hello Roopesh,
Very awesome post you have. I felt also grateful upon reading your article because I have also illness that changed my life. A lifetime treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The same as Tinnitus, it changed everything to me in positive ways. I learned to become emotionally strong and calm. I learned to humble myself before our Great Creator and live dependent to Him. And I learned to care and value more my life.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring article. Great work!
Hi Marcy
Thank you so much for the compliment.
I am sorry to hear that you have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It certainly does make you stronger. You learn about that inner strength within,which you never knew existed.
It certainly makes you look at life from a whole new perspective. The Great one knows what is best for us.
I personally believe that He will not give you anything that HE knows you can’t handle.
Like the famous line, “God Gives the hardest of battles to his Toughest soldiers.”
I am glad that you have taken this and turned it into a positive light. Maybe not now, but later on, you may be able to help someone else, there is always a reason. Only time can tell…..
Take Care and I hope to bump into you again.
Hi Roopesh,
Very helpful information. My ears ringing especially during a quiet night, that even it’s winter I would love to have an electric fan turn on to cover the quietness in order to have a good sleep.
I’ll keep visiting your site, to hear the latest on how to manage and turn the big ‘T’ into a ‘t’.
All the best,
Hi Pio
Thank you very much for visiting.
Yes, I know exactly what you what mean. Noises of the fan, fridge or even nature sounds help to mask the tinnitus. During sleep time, you can use things like noise generators that actually help to make the ringing less pronounced during the evening.
With all my heart, I do believe that Tinnitus is something that we can learn to live with. In my case, I am completely deaf in the right ear and have got the tinnitus in my left ear. There are days that I get frustrated and angry too. But I have learnt to implement techniques and lifestyle modifications that have helped. A lot of these are mentioned on my website. A lot more are still to come.
Furthermore, I try to keep up to date with the latest developments or breakthroughs regarding research or news around tinnitus.
So, please do visit here as often as you can to check out what is happening.
Most importantly, if you feel the need to chat or really want someone to just listen, do not hesitate to e-mail me.
I am here to help you and know what it feels like. You have support here, please make use of it.
Take Care of yourself and Everything of the best.
Great attitude you have. You seem to be a positive man in a life full of doubters. You’re making something out of your life while struggling at the same time.
Many people can look up to you as an example of how it can be done! I will recommend everyone to read your post and hopefully you can help with changing their thinking.
Keep up the great attitude.
Hi Enzo
I will not lie to you, at times it really takes a toll on you. I am very grateful to have a good support structure both at work and at home. This really does make a difference.
This is the main purpose of this site, to try and offer that support and help to those out there that are struggling.
Thanks for recommending others, it means a lot to me.
Hi Roopesh,
I didn’t know what Tinnitus was until I looked it up. From what I discovered it’s a consciously hearing a sound not generated by any source outside the body. It’s basically a symptom.
I have a continuous sound on my left side of my ear. In my opinion I believe I developed this one night as I was out with my siblings, music was playing very loud where we were sitting. Since that evening I’ve had this ringing sound in my ear.
I don’t know that if that is what I have or not. But I am keeping positive by not letting it disturb me.
Thank you for sharing.
Most problem, you may have a mild case of tinnitus.I am glad to hear that it’s not really affecting your life and hope that it stays that way.
Kind Regards