Can Acupuncture Help With Tinnitus

Tinnitus is that annoying ringing or buzzing sound you occasionally hear even though there’s no external noise causing it. It’s like your ears are playing a trick on you.

To some, it may sound like roaring, clicking, hissing, or even music may sound like roaring, clicking, hissing, or even music too. The intensity can vary – sometimes it’s just a mild hum, and other times it’s loud and disruptive.

Teenagers can experience tinnitus, but it’s more common in older adults. You might notice it in a quiet room, or it might bother you while you’re trying to sleep.

What’s worse is, that if it becomes constant, it can lead to stress, anxiety, or problems with concentration. If you know someone who always seems distracted because of an annoying sound no one else hears, they might be dealing with tinnitus.

There are many causes for tinnitus. One of the big ones is exposure to loud noises. Think of that last rock concert you went to without earplugs, or blasting your headphones at max volume for hours. Ear infections and even too much earwax can also cause it. Other times, it’s a side effect of certain medications or a sign of underlying health problems.

Understanding the basics of tinnitus is essential, especially if it’s messing with your daily life or your peace. Knowing what causes it and recognizing its symptoms are your first steps to finding the right kind of help.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that originated thousands of years ago in China. It’s a key part of traditional Chinese medicine.

It’s all about using very thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body that are said to help with various health issues.

Can acupuncture help with tinnitus

The theory behind acupuncture is that it helps balance the body’s energy, known as ‘qi’ (pronounced ‘chee’). According to traditional Chinese medicine, when your qi is out of whack, it can cause illness or discomfort. By inserting needles into specific points, acupuncture aims to restore this balance, leading to better health.

The process itself is pretty straightforward.

A trained practitioner will insert these super tiny needles into your skin at specific points. It may sound intimidating, but many people say it doesn’t hurt. At most, you might feel a slight pinch. Once the needles are in, they’ll stay there for about 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the treatment plan.

Acupuncture isn’t just for one type of ailment. People use it for pain relief, stress reduction, and even for chronic conditions like arthritis. It’s also popular for things like improving sleep, boosting immunity, and yes, addressing issues like tinnitus.

It’s interesting to think about how something so ancient is still being used today. Modern science is still catching up to fully understand how it works, but many people swear by its effectiveness. As with any treatment, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Recommended Reading: How Does a Tinnitus Hearing Test Work?

Exploring the Connection: Can Acupuncture Help with Tinnitus?

This is the big question: can those tiny needles help with the constant ringing or buzzing in your ears? The answer isn’t crystal clear, but there’s some interesting stuff to consider.

Can acupuncture help to relieve tinnitus, acupuncture and tinnitus

Many believe acupuncture might help because it’s thought to improve blood flow and stimulate nerves, potentially reducing the intensity of tinnitus. Some theories suggest that those little needles trigger the body to release endorphins, our natural painkillers, which might help manage the discomfort caused by tinnitus.

Scientific studies produce mixed results. Some research shows that acupuncture can make a noticeable difference, while other studies aren’t as conclusive.

All said and done, each person’s experience with tinnitus is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. It’s about finding what’s best for you and your specific situation.

Examining Scientific Evidence Of Acupuncture and Tinnitus

Several studies have explored whether acupuncture can genuinely help with tinnitus. Some research has shown promising results, while others are more skeptical.

In a 2016 study published in the journal ‘Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,’ participants with chronic tinnitus reported notable improvements after receiving acupuncture treatments. They experienced reduced intensity and frequency of tinnitus sounds. This study provides some hope, particularly for those who have chronic issues with tinnitus.

On the flip side, a 2018 review published by the Cochrane Library analyzed multiple studies on acupuncture and tinnitus. The reviewers found the evidence to be inconsistent and not strong enough to make definitive claims about its effectiveness. They emphasized the need for more high-quality research.

For those looking for detailed studies, you can check out resources like PubMed or organizations dedicated to complementary and alternative medicine. These platforms often have the latest research and can offer more in-depth information.

While scientific evidence is mixed, the personal experiences of those who have tried acupuncture for tinnitus can also provide insights. That’s why it’s important to consider both the research and anecdotal evidence before making any decisions.

Making an Informed Decision

At the end of deciding whether acupuncture is the right option for your tinnitus boils down to personal choice and professional advice. It’s crucial to weigh the possible benefits against the potential drawbacks.

Look in my case, my wife invested in Acupuncture pens called the Genesen Acutouch pens. To this day I still use them.

Do they work?

It’s hard to say. Truth be told, I am doing lots of things for my tinnitus. I wear a hearing aid. My wife is also a reflexologist, so I get treatments from her as well.

I do exercises and take vitamins. I am coping at the end of the day, the tinnitus is still there though. I guess you could say that it’s manageable.

Can acupuncture help for tinnitus, genesen acutouch pens can help

Yes, maybe those Genesen pens help, or maybe it’s a combination of everything. The main point is that something is working, so I should just stick to what is working.

So stick to what you find is working for you. Feel free to read my review of the Genesen Acutouch pens here or you can buy them from here.

Feel free to leave any comments below. You can also reach out to your healthcare provider about your tinnitus. They can give you insights into whether acupuncture might be effective and if it’s suitable given your medical history. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and express any concerns you might have.

If you decide to give acupuncture a whirl, make sure to find a licensed and experienced acupuncturist.

Look up reviews, ask around, and ensure the practitioner adheres to all safety standards. A well-trained acupuncturist can make a significant difference in your experience.

Also, explore other treatments for tinnitus. These may include sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or even lifestyle changes like reducing caffeine intake or managing stress. It’s worth considering all your options to find what works best for you.

The journey to managing tinnitus can be challenging, but understanding your options and making informed decisions puts you in a better position to find relief.

Remember, you’re not alone in this, we are here to to support you.

Have you tried Acupuncture for your tinnitus? Did it work? Or are you considering giving it a try?

Let’s chat below.

Regards and Take Care


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